£2,700 from the Cavell Auction 2020.

🧡 The Jersey College for Girls, House Cavell our Community Supporting Partners, we thank you for selecting Brighter Futures as your Charity of Choice.
Brighter Futures’ Engagement Officers worked alongside two House Captains, truly driven by outcomes despite the most challenging of circumstances to facilitate a digital remote initiative, the Cavell Action 2020 to diversify Third Sector income streams, aims and objectives. We worked together in a world of a new normal, and despite such, achieved astonishing success.
Financial assistance of £2,700 from the Cavell Auction 2020 allows Brighter Futures to continue to deliver our services as we continue to be an essential and vital charitable service for the prosperity of our island
The collective of House Cavell, demonstrated as representatives of JCG & Brighter Futures the values, vision and mission of their school and our charity.
To become a Community Supporting Partner contact;
x Team Brighter Futures