Thank you Highvern for your support.
Brighter Futures is exceptionally grateful to Highvern for supporting its #22Families campaign.
Highvern has committed to giving back more to the community in 2022, by joining Brighter Futures’ ‘22 Families in 2022’ campaign, by providing financial support for our charity to provide services to one local family for 2022.
Of its donation, Highvern said:
"Brighter Futures supports 170 Jersey families at any given time, providing family support, second chance learning skills, a creche facility and programmes to help relationships between children and their carers. The effects of the Covid pandemic have put the charity under greater pressure, with many more seeking help, leading to a waiting list building of families referred. Brighter Futures are hoping to raise close to £100,000 through their #22Families campaign, to allow them to put in place the resources needed to support more families. The charity's services are free and it is estimated that £1m is needed to run the charity for this year.
Martin Hall, Highvern Managing Director, commented: “This is a year where so many are feeling the pressure in different ways, so we are delighted to be joining this worthwhile campaign to make a meaningful difference to one family in Jersey. Looking at more ways in which Highvern can support the local communities in which we operate is part of our wider plans to contribute to a more sustainable tomorrow and we would encourage others to join Brighter Futures campaign to help them reach their target.”
Thank you, Highvern, for your commitment to our campaign and for your support.
Read more here:
